American Girl DIY computer

My American Girl doll with her computer.
I had thought of this DIY computer last year when I was 9 years old.
I wanted my doll to call her friends like I call my friends. I decided it was time to take action.
So the first thing I did was gather my supplies.
Then I tried to find a post card. Feeling very lucky that I had actually found one because we hardly ever have post cards in our house.
I proceeded to ask my mom if I could use this lucky post card. I was feeling even luckier then ever when my mom said YES!!!..
Woohoo!!!!.. I was on track to victory.
I was not exited for the next step to making this computer because I really needed some cardboard.
We usually are always using are cardboard boxes for holding wood chips after stacking up the firewood.
But my mom had found a good sized peace of cardboard that I could use.
So all the supplies I used for this project were.
1: pencil
2: ruler
3: cardboard
4: colorful paper
5: post card
6: scissors
7: paint
8: paint brush
9: a simple glue stick for school
10: and a happy attitude

These are all of my suplies except for the paint and paintbrush.
The first thing I did was put the post card on top of my cardboard.

This is my post card on top of my card bored.
Then I traced around the post card on to the cardboard like you do when you have a little sister and you trace her hand on to a card to send to your grandma.

I traced the outline of the postcard onto the cardboard.
Then you cut out on the traced lines you just made.

I am cutting out my lines I just made on cardboard with the postcard.
After you cut out your cardboard then you are going to want to fold your cardboard in half.

I folded my cardboard in half.
Then you will get some regular or colorful paper for the outsides of your computer.

My paper that will go on my computer as a cover.
Now you have to glue your colorful paper onto your computer.

I am glueing my pretty paper onto my computer.
I put my post card onto my cardboard and cut it to fit onto my computer.
The next step is to glue you lucky postcard to your cardboard for the picture.

I just glued my postcard to my computer.
Now you are going to need to cut out four long pieces of cardboard and paint them.
You are going to want to paint them black.

I am painting four pieces of cardboard and painting them black.
Now the waiting begins. I am personally not a patient person so I used quick drying paint. Either I had fast drying paint or the time was a rolling.

The waiting begins.
Once it has dried you are going to want to cut them out to fit around your picture.

Cutting out my painted cardboard pieces for my computer.
Then once that is done you will glue them onto your picture that’s on your computer.

This is my computer so far.
Now get a ruler and a pencil and don’t forget to grab your computer and trace lines onto your keyboard. (Or you could make squares on your key bored)

I am tracing my lines(you will want to trace several lines on your computer).
Now you are going to put the alphabet in those squares and also numbers like ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) onto your key board

I put the alphabet in and numbers in on my computer.
And you have just made your first doll computer.

This is my doll with her very own computer we just made.
Now get the address book and get your doll some friends.

My dolls friends.
I hope you have enjoyed making a doll computer for your America Girl.

This is my doll Cristy with her new computer.
I really hope that while you were making this computer for your doll that you always had a smile and a positive attitude.

I hope you had as much fun as I did making this computer.