How to do a French Braid in your Dolls Hair.
I love doing my doll’s hair and my own hair. This is why I have a doll with super long hair.

My dolls long hair.
I started practicing with my own hair, but it was extremely nice to practice on my dolls hair because I could see what I was doing.
You really only need about 2 things: a brush and a hair thing. I believe that it is a necessity to have a good water spray bottle.
The supplies I used:
One: Brush
Two: Hair thing
Three: Water spray bottle

My supplies.(I didn’t use hair spray, but it is an option)
Step one: Brush out your dolls hair so that it is very smooth.
Step two: Grab a medium piece of hair about where your bangs are if you brushed them back and divide it into three equal parts.

My three pieces of hair
I pulled back.
Step three: Do your first twist on your braid like I did below.

My twist I did.
Step four: Now grab a medium piece of hair from the right side of your head and add it to it your braid.
Step five: Next, you are going to take the right side and middle piece of your braid and twist them.
Step six: Now take a piece from your left side and add it to your braid and twist them like before.
Just repeat all the way down your head (remember to do the left, then the right, left, then right, left, then right, etc.)
When you get to the bottom you have two options.
You can either make a pony tail or continue on like a regular braid.
I prefer to do a regular braid, but it is your choice.

And you are done.
I absolutely love this hair style and I hope you do too.
I like the hair style in my hair because it looks so cute.